We’d like to recognize our 20th Blair Million Safe Mile contractor to date, Wayne L. out of Birmingham, AL. 👏❤️ Wayne has been with Blair for 11 years and has paid off two trucks in his career here. Wayne’s dedication and commitment to excellence have contributed to the success and growth of Blair. His unwavering focus on safety, customer service, communication, and timeliness sets a standard for all contractors.
“On top of being a great contractor, Wayne possesses the rare ability to brighten the mood of everyone he comes into contact with. Whenever he passes through the office, he brings an aura of positivity and levity along with him. Being a reliable contractor is what makes him valuable, but being a positive influence on those around him is what makes him indispensable.” -Steve Howard, Operations Manager
“There are three things that I think have made Wayne’s career at Blair special and successful. One, Wayne blazed the trail for a lot of the freight and many of the lanes we think of as everyday stuff at Blair now. He was our first ambassador for a lot of customers and a lot of lanes up the East Coast many years ago when other Blair contractors would not. Second, Wayne is a leader. He always operates safely and professionally and I know many seasoned, veteran contractors who will call Wayne when they need advice or have a tough decision to make about their truck, their lanes, their revenue, etc. Third, and the most important, is Wayne’s attitude. This is what truly makes him special. He’s always all smiles and all positivity, even on the bad days. Wayne is one in a million and we’re very lucky he’s chosen to make Blair home for so long.” -Chris Robinson, Director of Eastern Operations
Wayne L. represents our company’s mission and values every day in his day-to-day operations. We are fortunate to have him as a member of the Blair family. Thank you for all that you do!